1. Executive summary
The Blue Light Stations provide the traction power shut off switch for guideway, with emergency phone and blue light lamp for location indication with manual lockable reset function. It shall not be possible for all remote location to reset traction power-turn-off.
The Blue Light Station provides a local shut off switch of the Traction power at the station. It shall not be possible for all remote location means OCC & BCC to reset the traction power if the Blue light station is activated. Once the BLS at any location is activated by the maintenance staff, the associated traction power rail cannot be re-energized by any remote location (OCC & BCC) until the activated BLS is reset by the maintenance staff using the specific key, after the maintenance staff finishes his work at the area concerned. In principle, when the BLS switch is activated, the guideway segment near BLS and Two/Three adjacent segments are tripped. In case of failure mode with closing of traction power Disconnecting Switches, the applied traction Feeder HSCB and another HSCB connected to that HSCB via DS are tripped.
BLS system consists of the follows.
(1) BLS with an emergency phone
The Blue Light Station is operational panel designed for train stop and shutting down traction power, with an emergency phone to communicate to OCC or BCC. It is installed at egress points to the guideway/depot and in the TPS room.
BLS is composed by some materials as follows.
-          Blue Light
-          Emergency Trip Button
-          Indication Lamp
-          Emergency Phone
(2) BLS Control Panel
BLS Control Panel has the logic circuit in order to shut down the relevant traction power.
BLS Control Panel consists of interface circuit between BLS and circuit breakers.
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