原文(中) | 译文(外) | 背景(不用翻译) |
一具具僵卧在坟墓的尸体,他们蛰伏,冷落,凄凉……唱起垂死残念的挽歌……(神秘男子被浓郁的魔气笼罩着) | 故事 | |
活在幻想中又有什么不好,至少不用面对这么可悲的世界,伟大的神弃我们而去,却让我们守护着一座废墟,结界守护者?真是可笑。 | 故事 | |
提升{0}研究等级可以增加学习等级上限 | UI提示 | |
1、击杀敌人可以获得积分\n 2、场景中会定时刷新出增加积分的道具\n 3、个人积分越高,结束时奖励越多\n 4、率先达到6000分的一方获胜 |
活动描述 | |
龙灾军团 | 关卡名称 | |
无声空间 | 关卡名称 | |
深渊魅影 | 关卡名称 | |
每天可得到一次女神的祝福,获得{0}点体力。 | 活动描述 | |
每天中午可以领取一份泉水,获得{0}点体力。 | 活动描述 | |
活动时间:周一至周日\n活动内容:本周累计参与空岛夺宝10次即可领取! |
活动描述 |
原文(英) | 译文(外) | 背景(不用翻译) |
Minor Shielding | 法术名称 | |
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 10 2: Increase Armor Class by 1 to 1, Based on Class |
法术描述 | |
Earn the Rank of Grand Commander by earning %d Medals by defeating other players. | 任务描述 | |
Intel reports Talon Copters in enemy territory. Looks like they're getting ready to counterattack. Knock 'em out before they're ready. | 任务描述 | |
Stranded on an island while a terrifying storm is coming, Survivors have to repair a ship to leave. However, Saboteurs just want to place obstacles in the way! Use voice chat and play a drama queen to take control of or see through everything in Werewolf-like social game Island of Deception. | 游戏简介 |